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A BIG WELCOME to my new visitors from Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Japan, Canada, Sweden, Paul McCartney, and now my first visitors from MONGOLIA & TURKEY!.......rock on!

It is very amusing that many pop stars use Facebook to request fans to tell them how good they are, and to ask if they should still continue making music!!  Old age is affecting them in many ways. The Beatles had a dicky Starkey which explains his stupid photo pose after years of drumming. Many have more than one birthday every month.....just for the FB publicity they crave! They are too old to make new records. After don't come easy

It is unbelievable that Americans use a show style to vote for the most powerful person on this planet. It is a very serious and responsible position, especially when it is THEIR decision whether THAT button is pushed!.  It is likely that Kamala will be that person.......while across the pond...Camilla really rules the UK 

A very small selection from all the 30 pages are displayed below. To access them,  please use the links below.  REMEMBER THAT THE DESCRIPTION ON THE LEFT, DESCRIBES THE LINK ON THE RIGHT. IGNORE THE LINK TITLE.  I CAN TELL THOSE WHO ONLY VISIT THIS PAGE.

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Theme Tune

See links for full sizes and much more

Trump & Harris pages:

Full size versions at Trump page:

See the full sizes and much more at 

Intelligent people clink the links for much more

Castle Combe in Lockdown. Setting for Rex Harrison's Dr Dolittle: 

Full size videos at

Cotswolds Region: 

Bath, UK  in Lockdown

See links for full size and much more....

Jane Austen Parade, Bath. 2023: 

Rock & Roll Page 1:

McJagger...... without fries

Rock & Roll Page 2:

You've had the Beatles, now here are today's rock stars....the BUGS!
Full size pictures & much more more at:
And the winner is.....

Allsorts Page 2: 

Views from Space: 

Full size videos & slide shows at:

Naked Alphabet

Blessing in disguise

Jesus Christ did not exist:

Pubic Hair Song

It is hilarious that some of you, mainly women, do not know how to navigate a web site. I have received compliments from many visitors in different countries who have viewed the other pages.

World Toilets samples

More videos and slide shows at

Music Videos:

All the illegal immigrants entering this country, that the Government cannot account for are creating many no-go areas, particularly in London. Therefore, the Metropolitan Police have updated their procedures for riots and disturbances. They're going to put Persil in the water cannons, to stop the coloureds from running.

How women react when they realise how silly they often are......

6 page slideshow

Starmer's New Channel Border Force recruits......with their  Trainer (Better deterent than Rwanda?)

New National Anthem

Racial & Immigration section of: 

Question - Are there too many immigrants in Britain ? 17% said yes; 11% said No; 72% said "I am nut understanding da questun pliss."

A teacher goes around her class asking each of the kids what do they need at home. 1st kid says "A computer". Teacher replies "That'd be very useful." 2nd kid says "A new lawn mower" and gets a similar response Little Johnny pops up and says: " At my house we don't need anything." The teacher asks him to think again carefully as everybody needs something. Little Johnny replies, "Nope I'm sure! When my sister started dating a Muslim, I remember Dad saying, "Well, that's all we f****** need."

A government survey has shown that 91% of illegal immigrants come to Britain so that they can see their own doctor!!


Two blacks guys were walking along a road in Los Angeles when they were struck by a police car driven by a drunken LA cop. One guy was thrown through the windscreen and the other was knocked down an embankment. The first guy was charged with breaking and entering and the second with leaving the scene of an accident.

I got invited to a party and was told to dress to kill. Apparently a turban, beard and a backpack wasn't what they had in mind.


See many more at: 

Famous Deepfakes, and more at....


In ancient Israel , it came to pass that a trader by the name of Abraham Com did take unto himself a healthy young wife by the name of Dorothy(Dot for short).  Dot Com was a comely woman, large of breast, broad of shoulder and long of leg. Indeed, she was often called Amazon Dot Com. And she said unto Abraham, her husband, "Why dost thou travel so far from town to town with thy goods when thou canst trade without ever leaving thy tent?" And Abraham did look at her as though she were several saddle bags short of a camel load, but simply said, "How, dear?" And Dot replied, "I will place drums in all the towns and drums in between to send messages saying what you have for sale, and they will reply telling you who hath the best price. The sale can be made on the drums and delivery made by Uriah's Pony Stable (UPS)." Abraham thought long and decided he would let Dot have her way with the drums.  And the drums rang out and were an immediate success. Abraham sold all the goods he had at the top price, without ever having to move from his tent. To prevent neighbouring countries from overhearing what the drums were saying, Dot devised a system that only she and the drummers knew.  It was known as Must Send Drum Over Sound (MSDOS), and she also developed a language to transmit ideas and pictures - Hebrew to The People (HTTP).

And the young men did take to Dot Com's trading as doth the greedy horsefly take to camel dung. They were called Nomadic Ecclesiastical Rich Dominican Sybarites, or NERDS.  And lo, the land was so feverish with joy at the new riches and the deafening sound of drums that no one noticed that the real riches were going to that enterprising drum dealer, Brother William of Gates, who bought off every drum maker in the land. Indeed he did insist on drums to be made that would work only with Brother Gates' drumheads and drumsticks. And Dot did say, "Oh, Abraham, what we have started is being taken over by others."  And Abraham looked out over the Bay of Ezekiel , or eBay as it came to be known. He said, "We need a name that reflects what we are. "And Dot replied, "Young Ambitious Hebrew Owner Operators." "YAHOO," said Abraham. And because it was Dot's idea, they named it YAHOO Dot Com. Abraham's cousin, Joshua, being the young Gregarious Energetic Educated Kid (GEEK) that he was, soon started using Dot's drums to locate things around the countryside. It soon became  known as God's Own Official Guide to Locating Everything (GOOGLE). That is how it all began.

Wildlife Page 1:

Many more examples of clever word play humour e.g. Puns, playing with words etc at....

6 page Wildlife slideshow  SAMPLE. More at link below

Wildlife Page 2:

Men's Rules........ok?

NOT Julie Andrews
Play it and see!

Stand back to view these....See 

For Virgins
Tianmen Mountains, China
For timid ladies!

See many more at: 

His guards have been requested to ditch the real bear skin fur used for their helmets

Elton is the new Queen

See the full sizes and much more at 

Buckingham and all the other palaces are owned by the Monarchy Company, paid for with taxes. That same company has accounts abroad to evade tax.  It is obvious that JC did not exist, yet the King has to believe as Head of C of E.  He keeps the Clergy in a job! A right Charlie!

See the full sizes and much more at 

Will & Kate's Wedding Dance

A Humping We Will Go.....

Click music note for sound

How global warming has affected women!

Allsorts Page 1: 

Two cows standing next to each other in field. Daisy to Dolly, I was artificially inseminated this morning. I don’t believe you replied  Dolly. It’s true, straight up, no bull.


Guy goes to psychiatrist wearing only cling film for shorts. Shrink says, well, I can clearly see you’re nuts.


Two hydrogen atoms in a bar. One says, I think I’ve lost an electron. Other replies, Are you sure? Yes, I’m positive.


Answerphone message – If you want to buy marijuana, press the hash key.


Deja-Moo: The feeling that you’ve heard this bullshit before.

Jokes including Racial & Immigration: 
Spell it

Cornwall page. Kernow is it's Celtic name. 



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